Frequently Asked Questions
How much notice should be given to temporarily cut off the water for maintenance or repair?
To allow residents time to prepare, its required to notify the board 48 hours for scheduled maintenance/repair. (This advance notice may not be possible during an emergency situation).
Is a leash required to walk my pet?
Yes. To provide a safe environment for the residents and pets, a leash is required to be used at all times your pet is outside.
Who do I contact for repairs covered by the Association?
Please contact your Building Captain who will reference the published Rules and Regulations to confirm Association's responsibility. Once confirmed, repair will be reviewed with Board and scheduled for repair. Lists of commonly repaired items can be located here.
What is the process to request an architectural modification?
Review the FAQs for the Architectural Modification Process. The application can be found here or in the Documents section of the AWT website.
Is there a list of preferred vendors ?
Yes, (insert Link to PV)